How to Print your original JAMB result slip easily
Now that the JAMB exams have concluded, you may have checked your results. However, if you haven’t, you can quickly find out how to check here using your registration number. After checking, you’ll need more than just the preliminary JAMB score results. So, if you want to print your original JAMB result, you must follow some specific instructions.
Here’s how to obtain your original 2023 JAMB results slip.
Step 1: Visit the JAMB website
To access your JAMB result, you must visit the JAMB portal. The website is

Log in with your information. Once you’ve logged in to the website, you’ll notice a few options in the menu on the left. Look for the option that says “Print Result Slip”.
Step 2: Make payment to print your original JAMB result slip
The next prompt will read “Continue to payment”. This means you’ll have to pay using an online payment method like your ATM card. You may be asked to provide your email address or phone number during the payment process.
Additionally, obtaining your original JAMB result costs approximately ₦1,500.
Step 3: Enter your details to print your original JAMB result slip
Once your payment is processed and the payment portal redirects you back to the JAMB website, you can print your original JAMB result slip by selecting your exam year (2023) and entering your ‘JAMB Registration Number’ in the required fields.
Step 4: View your result
If you entered your information correctly, you will be taken to a page displaying your JAMB results. The results will include your name, JAMB registration number, score, and other important information. Make sure to thoroughly review the results to ensure that everything is correct.
Step 5: Print your original JAMB result
To print your JAMB results, click on the “Print Result” button. This will open a new tab with your results in printable format. You can print the results directly from your browser or save them as PDF files to print later.
You can also request that it be delivered to your email.
What to keep in mind before you print your original JAMB result 2023
- Before accessing the JAMB website, ensure that you have a good internet connection. Slow internet speeds can result in delays or errors. You don’t want to leave your payment hanging.
- Double-check your information before clicking “Check My Result”. Entering incorrect information may prevent you from accessing your results.
- If you are having trouble accessing your results, please contact JAMB support for assistance. They can assist you in troubleshooting any issues you may be experiencing.
Printing your JAMB results is a simple process that can be completed online.
However, to avoid errors, make sure to carefully follow the steps. If you are having trouble accessing your results, please contact JAMB support for assistance. Verifying your result ensures that it is genuine and prevents future problems.
How to Print your original JAMB result slip easily